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Jenny Crouse ?

active 2 months ago



Jenny Crouse

Favorite Bands

As a writer, listening to music is one of my few bliss. Writing seems to be a lot more engaging when I’m listening to music. Listening to band sis one of the things I do to motivate myself to write. I work for custom dissertation writing services and it’s just difficult to write when you’re not in the mood. But listening to bands such as The National and Dave Matthews Band help think better. Writing is my first love, but there are time when thinking of ideas can be pretty difficult. And to write all day, everyday is quite tiring. But I have no other choice but to right. Not unlike when I’m a student and decide not to write my papers for school, not writing can make me lose my job. And that’s something I do not want to happen, would I? So I’ll just keep on writing and hope that music will motivate me always.