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by dyoon

New Passion Pit – “I’ll Be Alright”

7:57 pm in MP3 Streams & Downloads, Uncategorized, Upcoming Releases by dyoon

It’s been a long time since Passion Pit hit the airwaves, and everyone should remember what this bands made of. From previous hits like “The Reeling” and “Sleepyhead”, the Boston natives made a huge first impression, and it was smooth sailing from there. Heavy basslines, classic sampling, and melodic progressions, we can definitely admit that we’re kind of excited for their future. “I’ll Be Alright” returned my forgotten nostalgia for their music. From the optimistic synths and samples, to the pessimism that hides under the melodically uplifting lyrics, “I’ll Be Alright” has Passion Pit all over it.




by TK

3:26 am in Uncategorized by TK

Adam ‘MCA’ Yauch (1964 – 2012)

3:15 pm in Uncategorized by Moheak Radio

Adam 'MCA' YauchYesterday, May 4, 2012, the music world lost a comrade and a legend as Adam ‘MCA’ Yauch, founder of the Beastie Boys, humanitarian, film director and so much more, passed away. It is with great sadness that we at Moheak, alongside the rest of the world, acknowledge the loss of such an amazing, talented, and endearing life force in the entertainment community. His works will never be forgotten, and his contributions will leave an everlasting impact on those he reached. RIP MCA.


“It is with great sadness that we confirm that musician, rapper, activist and director Adam “MCA” Yauch, founding member of Beastie Boys and also of the Milarepa Foundation that produced the Tibetan Freedom Concert benefits, and film production and distribution company Oscilloscope Laboratories, passed away in his native New York City this morning after a near-three-year battle with cancer. He was 47 years old. Read the rest of this entry →

by dyoon

Lollapalooza 2012 Artists Announced!

11:46 pm in Uncategorized by dyoon

For those of you who live in California, we feel your pain. This year’s Lollapalooza’s lineup is once again packed. So packed to the point where flying out to Chicago seems reasonable, considering who’ll be on stage at Grant Park Aug 3-5. From The Black Keys, The Shins, Toro Y Moi, Justice, M83, SBTRKT, Washed Out, and Little Dragon (just to name a few), this year’s festival is spoiled with artists from all different genres. Check out more details here!

by dyoon

The Knocks – “Midnight City” f/ Mandy Lee (M83 Cover)

2:31 am in Uncategorized by dyoon

Being a huge M83 fan, I’ve always been scavenging for remixes of any of the many hits on their new album. Unfortunately, none has ever sufficed, and disappointment eventually became consistent (well, maybe except for the Trentmoller Remix). However, The Knocks, along side vocalist Mandy Lee, totally flip “Midnight City” into a whole different spectrum, while still keeping the uplifting aura of the original. I don’t say this much, but you NEED to listen to this. Free download too?!

by TK

Lina in L.A. on Today @ 5:30pm PST!

10:59 am in LinA in L.A. w/Lina Lecaro, Uncategorized by TK

In keeping with our tradition of spotlighting Los Angeles’ most audacious and influential characters, this week’s Moheak Radio show is no exception: shutterbug extraodinaire Mark the Cobrasnake and party boy, music maker and muse Jonny Makeup. Lina in L.A. w/ Lina Lecaro from The L.A. Weekly airs Thursdays at 5:30pm Pacific Time on!

Check out Lina’s website

by TK – Moheak Radio Sunday! (1/22/12)

12:02 pm in Uncategorized by TK  ((Moheak Radio)) Indie Radio Online 24/7 from Los Angeles!

9am – Head Trip with Christian B,  11am - Border Radio w/Brandise Danesewich

5:30pm – The Viper Room Coup d’etat  w/ LightFM,  7:00pm – Another Coup d’etat w/ SUDDYN! (Replay at 1am 1/23)

8:00pm – Tom Hoppa,  10pm – Big Sonic Heaven w/ Darren Revell, 12mid – Nicole Cifani

Like us on facebook/ Follow us on twitter: 

(All shows Pacific Time)


by TK

Happy New Year from

4:38 am in Uncategorized by TK

Moheak Radio parties that don’t include this poster…! :)

Moheak Radio on schedule for December 31, 2011 Pacific Time.

9am – Native Wayne w/ Alter Native “Roots Rock Reggae show”

11am – New Wave Sock Hop w/ Holly Miela

1pm – Bruce Rave w/ Go Deep & The 2011 countdown

3pm – Larry G & the Radio Underground Saturday Session

6pm – Darren Revell w/ the Moheak Radio Top Picks 2011

8pm – Gaye Ann’s Play List Year End Show

10pm – TK w/ worldwide picks from Moheak Djs, listeners & past guests from 2011

12mid – DJ Paul V. NYE party w/ Neon Noise tracks all night

Happy New Year!





by TK

Moheak’s Top New Music of 2011

11:28 am in Uncategorized by TK


Tune in today at 12noon Pacific Time. It’s the Top Songs of 2011. It’ll be replayed over the New Year weekend. (Pictured host Darren Revell “having a chat” with the Indie music gods in July of 2011)

by TK

Popular w/Me 2011: Buzzbands.LA favs from Kevin Bronson

7:39 pm in Uncategorized by TK

There is a lot of music in and around Los Angeles. No, really. The Buzz Bands LAstaff just completed a darned-near-comprehensive  we covered in 2011, and I invite you to check it out. It amounts to about one local band per day. And there is probably more music buried in our mail somewhere, stuff that we simply did not have the time to address. We try.

Buzz Bands LA begins its annual Popular With Me local music countdown on Moheak Radio. Over the next few weeks, I will count down my favorite 100 local songs of 2011, a year that brought some exciting music from new artists and exhilarating tunes from established ones. Tune in, rock out.

The Buzzband.LA Radio Show w/ Kevin Bronson airs Fridays at 11am Pacific on

After the jump, the list:

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