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Moheak Radio Presents:

2:40 pm in Moheak Radio Presents, The Echo by Moheak Radio

Check Yo PonytailCheck Yo Ponytail 2 Yr. Anniversary
w/ Andrew W.K., Icona Pop, Diamond Rings, Charli XCX, Cherie Lily, Aleister X, and special guests

Make your way to The Echoplex this Tuesday, November 6 as Moheak Radio presents Andrew W.K., Icona Pop and others alongside our good friends at IHeartComix, Media Contender, and The Echo!

Doors: 8:00pm
Tickets: $10.00

Tickets to this show are only $10.00, but you have a chance to win a pair! Just head over to , ‘Like’ us, then write on our wall and tell us you want to go. If you hear back, you and a friend are in!

Moheak Radio Presents: The Dead Ships @ The Echo

12:10 pm in Moheak Radio Presents, The Echo by Moheak Radio

Moheak Radio Presents The Dead ShipsHead on down to The Echo (1822 W. Sunset Blvd.) on Thursday, November 8 for The Dead Ships, presented by Moheak Radio alongside our friends at The Echo!

Full lineup:
The Dead Ships
Future Ghost
Blonde Summer

Show: 8:30pm
Tickets: $7.00

Want to win free tickets? Head over to , ‘Like’ us, then write on our wall and tell us you want to go. If you hear back, you and a friend are in!

Moheak Radio Presents:

2:09 pm in Moheak Radio Presents, The Echo by Moheak Radio


w/ Michna, Mwahaha
Tuesday, September 18
The Echo (1822 W. Sunset Blvd.)
Want to win free tickets? Head on over to ,
‘Like’ us, then write on our wall and tell us you want to go.
If you hear back from us, you and a friend are in!



Moheak Radio Presents:

8:30 pm in Moheak Radio, The Echo by Moheak Radio

Wildcat! Wildcat!

August residency at The Echo (1822 W. Sunset Blvd.)
Every Monday night @ 8:30pm
For more info and updates, head on over to,
and be sure to follow Moheak Radio on and .

Wildcat! Wildcat!