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Riss’ Moheak Radio Pick

3:00 pm in Moheak Radio Pick, Riss by Moheak Radio

FoxygenFoxygen –Shuggie

Foxygen is the bi-coastal songwriting duo of Sam France (vocals, Olympia, Wash., 22 years old) and Jonathan Rado (guitar/keyboards, NYC, 22). They are the raw, de-Wes Andersonization of The Rolling Stones, Kinks, Velvets, Bowie, etc. that a whole mess of young people desperately need. They create a sometimes-impressionistic, sometimes-hyper-real portrait of sounds from specific places and times. Yet, it never comes across as anything but absolutely modern music. They bring the manic, freewheeling qualities of an artist like Ariel Pink to those aforementioned influences to make for one of the most refreshing listens of the year. They are the real deal and total savants. Their albums are love letters to vinyl collections. Their music can be found on JAGJAGUWAR label.

Artist Interview: Ottilia K

7:05 am in Artist Interview, Moheak Radio, Riss by Moheak Radio

Ottilia KMoheak Radio’s Riss recently snagged an email interview with Swedish artist Ottilia K, where she got the inside scoop on the singer/songwriter’s influences, origins,  thoughts on touring and more! Check it out!


When did you get started making music?
I started when I found a guitar my dad had about five years ago, after learning ‘g’ and ‘em’ I started making tunes. Funny enough most of my tunes still goes with two chords, often those two. Read the rest of this entry →