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Moheak Radio Would’ve Presented Tsar 11/14 @ Los Globos

10:29 am in Los Globos by Moheak Radio

But, the club has closed it’s doors… for now… more from Moheak Radio’s Lina Lecaro HERE.

Show Review: Indie Night @ Los Globos

4:13 pm in Los Globos, Mo Herms, Show Review by Moheak Radio

Indie Night @ Los GlobosIf you didn’t make it out to the last Moheak Radio Indie Night, you missed a rollicking good time. Four excellent LA bands filled the bill and the room: Noel & the Carlones, Echoes de Luxe, Bullet & Snowfox & The Record Company.

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Moheak Radio Presents: Indie Night @ Los Globos, August 30

3:51 pm in Los Globos, Moheak Radio by Moheak Radio

Indie Night @ Los GlobosYou read it right, folks. Moheak Radio and Los Globos have teamed up once again to bring you another night of stellar indie music, good food and good times! Make your way over to Los Globos (3040 W. Sunset Blvd.) on Thursday, August 30 for the second round of Indie Night, where we bring you all the best indie music that LA has to offer.

Band lineup:
The Record Company
Echoes de Luxe
Noel & The Carlones
Bullet and Snowfox

The Lobos Food Truck will also be on site with some killer food to keep your energy up!

Doors: 8:30pm
Tickets: $8
RSVP to for $5 tickets

Want to win free tickets? Head on over to , ‘Like’ us, then write on our wall and tell us you want to go. If you hear back from us, you and a friend are in!