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by Holly

April Henshaw covers the Austin City Limits Festival

9:02 pm in Concert Recap, events, On Tour by Holly

Moheak Radio’s April Henshaw covered the Austin City Limits Festival this weekend. Here’s what she had to say about Friday’s lineup…

Austin City Limits Festival started it’s 10th anniversary with a bang on Friday, leaving a lot to the imagination for the next two days.  Moheak favorites Cults (pictured) started the day with a peppy and haunting show that complimented the overcast skies.  The next highlight was brought to festival-goers by Theophilus London.  For just one guy, standing on a stage, asking you to love him, he took command of a huge turnout better than a whole lot of other hip hop acts on the cusp.  Speaking of hip hop, as usual, Big Boi brought his killer band and played some of the quintessential Outkast hits and a lot less new music than when he came through Austin during South by Southwest.  Big Boi’s aftershow at the Mohawk, however, was less than stellar and not many fans were please that he played so few songs.

SoCal favorites Delta Spirit still had boundless energy in the blazing afternoon heat and everyone in the crowd was giving their full attention.  Pretty Lights was pretty irresistible and anyone who was making their way toward the big Kanye Spectacle stopped and danced to an amazing light show.  Capping off the night was an uncharacteristically uninspiring show from Coldplay and a surprisingly respectful, talented, and heart-filled performance.

You can check out The ATX Show with April Henshaw on Moheak Radio every Wednesday 5-6pm Pacific time on Moheak Radio!

by mj

The Silverlake Jubilee “Inspiring the young, old, hip and just plain weird to emerge from their winter hibernation and socialize”

3:03 am in Concert Recap, events, Photos & Videos by mj

The Silverlake Jubilee

by Britt Witt on May 30, 2011

Run your kid over with a Mars Rover?  Its not child abuse if they say yes.

The Silverlake Jubilee expanded over two long days, inspiring the young, old, hip and just plain weird to emerge from their winter hibernation and socialize.  Fit with music, spoken word, local vendors and every guilty pleasure food truck in Los Angeles, the festival made it through the rapture and proved to be full of nothing but sinners.  Tapping your wallet at 5 bucks, there was no excuse to miss the mayhem, gluttony and furries that lurked this block party nestled between Sunset and Santa Monica Blvd. in SIlverlake.

It was a demonstration of true entertainment: shirtless white boys rapping from an animal POV (“don’t just leave me home to miss you”), lions seducing 12 year olds by dancing to J.T’s ” Sexy Back,” and an angry clown misnaming upcoming bands (Sorry Tommy Santee Claus).

The middle of the block party was home to the Literary Stage which could never disappoint – featuring  local writers reading aloud about giving a bitch a dirty rose or shopping for sugar, and even a panel discussing subjects far too complex for the jaded Jubilee vagabond.

A sneaky $2 beer sign led cheapskates out of the block party and into the lumberjack watering hole, The Eagle.  Luckily, most stood their ground flaunting O.N.E coconut water and shmoozing with Deschutes Brewery in the beer pens.  Sustain LA aggressively kept the Jubilee clean with deposit stations separating compost, recycle and landfill while the vendors pimped their tents out.

The festival was a great opportunity for friends to reunite and diverse people to gather, a sincere jubilation.

Take my word for it and be there next year.

by dyoon

Datarock @ The Echoplex w/ Underground & Larry G

5:11 pm in Concert Recap, On Tour, Photos & Videos, Top Stories by dyoon

Explosive, energetic, shirtless. Three words that can clearly describe what we heard and saw at Club Underground at The Echoplex, Friday March 14th. Datarock rocked the venue, joining everyone to jump like no one cares, insisting on getting raw and sweaty. Playing hits such as “Fa-Fa-Fa” and “True Stories”, it was obvious that the four man band were familiar with putting on a show. Hosted by Moheak’s very own, Larry G of Underground Radio, the club was packed from each corner, which added to the already high intimacy level of the show. With Dirty Ghosts and Evan Voytas opening, the night was spoiled with beautiful noises and faces.

Photos by Daniel Yoon

by dyoon

Thom Yorke Surprises LA’s Low End Theory

4:01 pm in Concert Recap, Top Stories by dyoon

(Photo by Knocksteady)

Yesterday, Los Angeles’ most buzzed Wednesday night club event, Low End Theory, gave a very special treat with a surprise guest DJ set by Radiohead’s Thom Yorke. It isn’t a surprise to see Yorke at an event like this, mainly due to the ties him and Low End’s head chief Flying Lotus previously had. What did catch us off guard was the timing, and how unexpected his appearance was. According to Alpha Pup/Low End Theory co-founder, Daddy Kev, “We have a very special guest tonight … act like he’s one of us. He is one of us”. Yorke’s set jumped from minimal techno, to house, to dubstep, and hip-hop – back and forth.

A little taste of how magnificent the night was, here’s a video of the madness.

by dyoon

Moheak Presents – Smash Appeal w/ DJ Paul V. & Casper VonDJ

1:28 am in Concert Recap, Top Stories by dyoon

There were absolutely no limits at The Echoplex for Moheak’s dance event, Smash Appeal. Moheak residents Casper VonDJ and DJ Paul V. switched sets the whole night, with The Glitterati Dancers occupying the stage with crazy get-ups and non-stop moves. The venue was intimate, and everyone was feeding off the “can’t help myself from dancing” vibe. It almost seemed too natural for everyone. Eclectic tunes, an awesome venue, and everyone leaving with the same smiles (and sweat stains) – definitely a great night.

Thanks to everyone who came out!

by TK Presents: Smash Appeal @ The Echoplex

2:59 am in Concert Recap, Photos & Videos, Top Stories by TK


Moheak Radio invites all its LA listeners to an 18+ dance party
and fundraiser – This Saturday, January 15th at The Echoplex!

Join Moheak DJ’s PAUL V. (Bootie LA & “Neon Noise”)
and CASPER VON DJ (Rock Mondays & “Scatterbrain”)
spinning the hottest indie rock and electropop beats!

:: Slick on-stage eye candy with The Glitterati Dancers! ::

It’s only a $5 cover and FREE till 11pm to those 21+ who RSVP here on the 

>> FREE till 11pm for 21+ who RSVP
“ATTENDING” here on the event page *

* All RSVP’s must be listed here by 3pm on Saturday!

More details and surprises to be revealed …


More info:

Directions to The Echoplex:

by dyoon

Bootie LA NYE w/ DJ Paul V. & Lady Tigra

7:44 pm in Concert Recap, Photos & Videos by dyoon

New Years Eve was huge for us here at Moheak. Our very own, DJ Paul V., held down The Echoplex with electropop mash-ups, that no one has even ever dared to mix. Innovative, creative, and explosive – three words that finely define what we heard in the packed venue. Not only was the place spoiled with eclectic tunes from DJ Paul V., but a performance from the hip-hop rapper Lady Tigra was so generously given. New Years Eve is known for huge celebrations, giving it up for whats to come for the next year, and an intimate, bangin’ event like Bootie LA was definitely necessary to pop it off.

by TK

FYF Christmas Party!

3:09 pm in Concert Recap, Photos & Videos by TK

The Holidays are coming, and what better way to warm ourselves up than a party like no other. The FYF Christmas Party, stacked with names such as OFF!, No Age, and Crystal Antlers, was one of a kind not just because of it’s insane lineup, but because of it’s ability to gather up the widest variety of punks and hipsters on one street we’ve ever seen. To explain the intensity of each act is impossible – from endless ass shaking to nonstop moshpits, FYF did a nice job hand picking acts for an amazing display.

Photos by Daniel Yoon
Video coverage by Sean Bibera

by TK

Passion Pit at The Palladium (12/7)

12:31 am in Concert Recap, On Tour, Photos & Videos, Top Stories by TK

Tuesday, Dec. 7, The Palladium in Hollywood hosted a lineup to remember – Pepper Rabbit, We Barbarians, Michael Cerra’s Mr Heavenly, and Passion Pit. Hearing two new tracks from PP, watching a well-respected actor’s intimate translation of rock n’ roll, and even seeing Los Angeles’ own Local Natives enjoy the show within the crowd; the night was definitely genuine. Words can’t suffice the enormity of beautiful sounds we heard that night, so just watch the video.

by TK

School of Seven Bells to tour with Interpol

5:53 pm in Concert Recap, On Tour, Photos & Videos, Top Stories by TK

With the recent news of Claudia Deheza, identical sister of Alejandra, dropping out of the School, it’s hard to be optimistic, especially for a band that mainly consisted of the two. However, the band is pushing on, and their perseverance paid off. News of School of Seven Bells touring and opening for Interpol have been confirmed. We’ll be giving you more details and coverage on the band, so as for now, we hope you enjoy this video we shot earlier this year.

Also, check out their recent video “I L U”.

from on .

And just an early Christmas present -
Download – School Of Seven Bells – I L U