Moheak Radio Spotlight: The Ross Sea Party

11:03 am in Mo Herms, Moheak Radio Spotlight by Moheak Radio

The Ross Sea PartyThe Ross Sea Party is named after explorers, kinda. The Ross Sea Party was one component of a group of explorers who navigated Antarctica in the early 20th century, and that outing went wrong. When the musical Ross Sea Party was forming, lead singer and guitarist Brady Erickson was reading the The Endurance, and something about the tale of navigating the unknown was oddly relatable to the experience of making music in today’s climate. Moheak got to chat with the band about how they got together and do what they do.

“Their story really embodied a sense of true adventure and danger,” explained Erickson. “We really loved the spirit, both as a metaphor for the music and for the strange and ever-changing landscape that we exist in as artists today.”

This version of the Ross Sea Party consists of Erickson, Mark Tillman on guitars and vocals, Will Vander Wyden on bass and harmonies, Jaquelyn Thropay on keys, and Michael Nussbaum doing the drums. All share vocal duties and miscellaneous musical duties, and the group love for what they do shows. Brady and Mike initially met and started to work on some new music in 2009.  Erickson expanded on their beginnings: “Will joined up, and then there were a handful of variations in the lineup. Mark joined the band in 2010, Jacquie in 2011. So it was a good two year process to find just the right group of people.”

“Being in our band, and probably any band, also means constant communication. Over the last couple of years, we’ve definitely built up some kind of modern family that we’re pretty proud to be a part of,” said Thropay.  They have also just released their debut album, Hotel Pool, which was recorded at The Hangar in Sacramento with producer Jeff Halbert.  “The studio was massive, so the name ‘The Hangar’ was really fitting. There were multiple other rooms available too, one of which housed a full-size half pipe.”The Ross Sea Party

Brady typically brings in an idea, like in a demo form, with what the song is really about and then we work together to craft that into what The Ross Sea Party is as a whole,” Thropay continued. “We all have varying tastes, but I think our inspiration as a band comes from music that is simple, interesting, and rhythmic.  For example, we loved The Walkmen albums You and Me and Lisbon, The Dodos album Visiter, or Lykke Li’s Wounded Rhymes. “

Erickson described some of the group dynamic, and how the differences keep them, ultimately, together. “Well, probably first and foremost, we all love making music, listening to great music and going to shows.  I think Mark bends in the direction of Dylan a bit more, Mike maybe is most informed by new music, Jacquie has always had a huge crush on new wave, Will keeps things in the rocking’ vein, and I like to listen to all this, but on vinyl. We definitely talk about what we are listening to and that rubs off on everyone else.  Outside of loving music, I think we as a band like to be adventurers of sort.  Whether that’s pursued through road tripping around the country or back packing through another country, trying new and different things in town from cuisine to culture, or even something like surfing on weekends, we all want to be doing something life inspired.”

Not everything these guys do is about music. I mean, bands have to have day jobs still, right? These folks are pretty good about keeping those day jobs somewhat in the family, though. Brady is an accomplished visual artist, Jacquie is a composer, Mike surfs like a madman and Mark and Will both have music side projects. “We’d like to let everyone know that Mike, our drummer, is a corporate lackey for Guitar Center,” Thropay winked.

- Mo Herms for Moheak Radio

Check out the Ross Sea Party’s new album Hotel Pool and say hi!