Artist Interview: Ottilia K

7:05 am in Artist Interview, Moheak Radio, Riss by Moheak Radio

Ottilia KMoheak Radio’s Riss recently snagged an email interview with Swedish artist Ottilia K, where she got the inside scoop on the singer/songwriter’s influences, origins,  thoughts on touring and more! Check it out!


When did you get started making music?
I started when I found a guitar my dad had about five years ago, after learning ‘g’ and ‘em’ I started making tunes. Funny enough most of my tunes still goes with two chords, often those two.

There is a sultry and soulfulness to your tone….what music did
you grow up listening to?
My mum is an old hippie so I grew up with Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Leonard Cohen and Melanie Safka from her. My dad was more of a mod so from his side came Kinks, Who and blues like John Lee Hooker and BB King. I got an early interest and discovered Velvet Underground & Doors at 8-9 and got quite stuck. Growing up in Sweden you automatically get to hear all the progressive music from the 60s-70s.

Who are your greatest influences, past and present?
Really tricky question, I fall in love with new artists constantly. The most present ones must be Little Dragon, Oh Land and the American west coast scene like Black Lips and Ty Segall. My tune heartless is quite inspired instrumentally from Veni Vidi Vici by Black Lips.

Past is of course Dylan & Leonard Cohen as well with Odetta. Really adore Odetta’s tone to her voice. I get influenced from everywhere so it’s a total mix, sometimes a man with a drum on the street or a late night listening to Black Sabbath can end up with a new tune. and yeah, i do love Sabbath. Peter, Bjorn & John together with Sigur Ros, Jonsi & Miike Snow are close to heart when it comes to influences as well.

Why the move from Sweden to London?
When I was seventeen I went to the Swedish school in London and got hooked up with the town. After finishing my last year in Sweden I moved straight back to create my life here. Sweden is good but I’ve always felt it was wrong for me, that I wasn’t allowed to be who I am and do what I do. Lack of support is also a reason. I grew up in a country where you’re not supposed to stand out, if you do people will do anything to put you back in your place. London was an open door when Sweden shut theirs.

What are the plans for you this year?  When can we all buy an EP? or album?  Any touring plans?
I’m working full time in a vintage store and writes music with different people at the same time. I have gigs every now and then to get some extra experience and free beer. The time will come when it arrives, right now I’m writing and practicing guitar so when the time comes it will be 150%. So you’ll just have to wait (;

What do you hope people get from your music?
The worst thing and the best thing with me is that my aspirations are so high. Most of my influences are legendary artists. I want to give people what I got from them. I’m all about creating a feeling, make people recognize themselves in my music. It doesn’t even have to be too complicated sometimes, simplicity is the key in a lot of cases. I hope people feel my rage and joy as well as my sadness.
