Best Coast At The Smell

3:47 am in Concert Recap, On Tour, Photos & Videos, Top Stories by layne

Over the weekend, Smell-goers gathered to celebrate the venue’s 14th Anniversary with bands Best Coast, Abe Vigoda, Dunes, So Many Wizards, Lucky Dragons, Ezra Buchla. A couple hundred people packed like sardines in the back of the venue, where steam rose to the ceiling and an awesome show ensued. Best Coast played last with a nice set list of oldies but goodies and even played a “newish” song, ‘In Your Sleep”– a collab with Johnny Marr of The Smiths. Bethany Cosentino let the crowd finish singing ‘Our Deal’ for her after experiencing two false starts and minor sound issues, but it was sweet anyway! Check it out below along with ‘In Your Sleep.’